Career Counselling

Comprehensive University and Life Preparation: Career Counselling for Students

Our Career Counselling program provides support for students through the following University Preparation Roadmap – Champion Journey, beginning in Grade 10. We use the global application platform, CIALFO, to streamline application processes, increase access to reliable university information, and centralise planning efforts. 

University Preparation Roadmap - Champion Journey

Grade 10: Navigating a world of opportunities

University and Career Exploration & understanding University Requirements.

  • Checkpoint surveys

  • Semester 1: Current interests and academic self-assessment
  • Semester 2: Current course interest and university longlist (updated on Cialfo)
  • Individual meetings with counsellor (semester 1): DP subject choice and potential courses/universities

Grade 11: Planning for Success

Understanding the admissions process, shortlisting universities, and finalising “My Post Secondary Plan.” (presented to parents at 3WC)

  • Checkpoint surveys

  • Semester 1: Current course interest and prospective university destination
  • Semester 2: University and course shortlist (updated on Cialfo).
  • Individual meetings with counsellor (semester 2): current post-secondary plan

  • “My Post Secondary Plan 1” presentations at 3WC

Grade 12: Applying

Individual support for college applications by appointment. 

  • Checkpoint surveys

  • Semester 1: Application support and progress check (final applying list updated on Cialfo)
  • Semester 2: Progress check and application decisions
  • “My Post Secondary Plan 2” presented at 3WC

  • Application support throughout the year (by appointment)

  • Individual meetings with counsellor (semester 2): Final application preparation

Annual Programs

The Career Counselling program organises opportunities for students to explore their interests and prepare for university applications. Parents are invited to participate and support their child on programs such as : 

Career Day

Career Day

University Fairs

University Fairs

Parents as Learners (PaLS)

Parents as Learners (PaLS)

University Presentations

Three students of Sekolah Victory Plus - a school with IB Curriculum in Indonesia are studying inside a classroom
Three students of Sekolah Victory Plus - a school with IB Curriculum in Indonesia are studying inside a classroom


Available as needed:

1. Consultations with students to discuss university choices along with the differences in admissions process per country.

2. Advice on standardised testing (SAT, IELTS, IB Courses, UTBK, etc).

3. Application support for SAT and IELTS at SVP as the official test centre.  

4. Guidance on application platforms (UCAS, Uni-Assist, Studielink, Common App, etc) for applications to overseas universities. 

5. Advice on extracurricular, summer activities, and projects that will support student’s portfolio building.

6. Identifying suitable schools for students’ interest, ability, and other relevant factors. 

7. Support for students who qualify for the “Jalur Prestasi” entrance pathway to Local State Universitie

8 Providing information and materials with university brochures, catalogues, and resources for students on the Career Counselling Newsletter and Website. 

9. Assistance and guidance in application preparations. Including personal statements, motivation letters, CV writing, and contact with university representatives

10. Feedback on personal statements/ letter of motivation. 

11. Teacher’s letter of recommendation to appropriate universities and programs.

12. Guidance on financial aid with the support of parents

13. Maintaining relationships with universities and contacting representatives to support individual applications.

14.Connection to Independent Education Consultants to provide additional support for student’s application

15. Organizing University Presentations at SVP from various universities.

16. Campus Visit to select local universities in Jakarta. 

Individual appointments to meet with the career counsellor can be arranged through: