Heartwarming Diwali Celebration at Sekolah Victory Plus

Heartwarming Diwali Celebration at Sekolah Victory Plus

Parents, teachers, and school leaders posing together in front of Diwali decorations at Sekolah Victory Plus.

It was a day filled with joy and warmth as we celebrated Diwali, one of the most significant festivals in the Indian community, at Sekolah Victory Plus. Known as the “Festival of Lights,” Diwali symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, a message that resonated deeply with our school community.

The Joy and Festivities of Diwali

The SVP family who won the family photo contest presenting their concept for the Diwali Celebration at Sekolah Victory Plus.

Parents, students, and staff came together to share in the spirit of the occasion. The school was beautifully adorned with colorful flower rangoli, sparkling lights, and delicious traditional sweets that created an atmosphere of Diwali celebration and togetherness.

One of the highlights of the day was the announcement of the winners of our family picture competition. Students and their families had creatively captured the essence of Diwali, from intricate home decorations to vibrant firecracker displays symbolizing the victory of light. These heartwarming photos reflected not just the festivities but also the strong connection between the school and its families.

A Warm and Lighthearted Diwali Luncheon

The celebration continued with a festive lunch attended by our school founders and leaders. Traditional Diwali dishes were served, adding a special touch to the occasion and further strengthening our sense of community.

A Diwali Tradition to Cherish and Grow

As we look back on this beautiful Diwali celebration, we are excited to continue fostering these positive traditions and celebrations with our wider school community in the years to come.

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