Enhancing Thinking Abilities with the IB Curriculum

Enhancing Thinking Abilities with the IB Curriculum

Three students of Sekolah Victory Plus - a school with IB Curriculum in Indonesia are studying inside a classroom

The International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum offers a holistic approach to education which goes beyond memorization, instead igniting students’ curiosity and improving their critical thinking. We all know how the world now works. It rapidly evolves with the advancement of technology and information. For this reason, the IB curriculum includes thinking skills into their Approaches to Learning (ATL): Thinking skills, Research skills, Communication skills, Social skills, and Self-management skills.

Kurikulum International Baccalaureate menawarkan pendidikan holistik yang lebih dari sekadar menghafal, melainkan menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir mereka. Kita mengetahui bagaimana kondisi dunia saat ini. Terus berkembang dengan kemajuan teknologi dan informasi. Oleh karena itu, kurikulum IB menekankan keterampilan berpikir dalam pendekatan pembelajaran (Approaches to Learning) yang meliputi: Keterampilan berpikir, Keterampilan riset, Keterampilan komunikasi, Keterampilan sosial, dan Keterampilan pengaturan diri.

Through its rigorous programme, the IB curriculum fuels the development of these skills. This time, let’s explore how the IB curriculum equips students with the ability to think critically, creatively, and reflectively.

Melalui program yang menyeluruh ini, kurikulum IB mendasari pengembangan berbagai keterampilan tersebut. Mari kita lihat bagaimana kurikulum IB mempersiapkan anak untuk berpikir secara kritis, kreatif dan reflektif.

Four students of Sekolah Victory Plus - a school with IB Curriculum are playing at the Outdoor Learning Spaces

Stimulate Questioning and Inquiry

At Sekolah Victory Plus, we encourage students to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and seek answers from an early age. Questions are not just welcomed but celebrated. This culture of inquiry not only broadens their understanding but also hones their analytical skills, empowering them to tackle complex issues head-on.

Di Sekolah Victory Plus, kami mendukung siswa sedari dini untuk bertanya, berasumsi, dan mencari jawaban. Setiap pertanyaan bukan hanya disambut tetapi juga dirayakan. Kebiasaan ini tidak hanya memperluas pemahaman mereka tetapi juga melatih kemampuan analitis yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan.

Foster Collaborative Discussions

A supportive learning environment is crucial for honing students’ thinking skills. Through lively discussions and group projects, students learn to listen actively, explore new viewpoints, and construct well-thought-out arguments. This collaborative approach enriches their learning experience and teaches them the invaluable skills of teamwork and communication, which are essential tools to success in the real world.

Lingkungan belajar yang mendukung sangat penting untuk memperkuat keterampilan berpikir. Melalui diskusi dan projek kelompok, siswa belajar untuk aktif mendengarkan, mengeksplor banyak sudut pandang, dan membangun argumen kuat. Pendekatan kolaboratif ini akan memperkaya pengalaman belajar serta mengajarkan keterampilan komunikasi dan bekerja dalam tim, dimana hal tersebut merupakan keterampilan penting.

Foster Collaborative Discussions

The IB curriculum is not only about finding the answers, but also understanding the process of how to get there. Students learn to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. It helps them find the best techniques and strategies for effective learning.

Kurikulum IB bukan hanya soal mencari jawaban melainkan juga memahami proses yang dilalui dalam menemukan jawaban tersebut. Siswa belajar mengenali kelebihan serta hal yang perlu mereka tingkatkan. Hal ini membantu mereka untuk menemukan teknik dan strategi belajar terbaik.

As evidenced by a study on the advantages of the IB curriculum for students’ thinking skills, this curriculum is a transformative journey that prepares students to excel academically and thrive in a rapidly changing world. So, if you’re looking for a school to foster critical thinking and equip your child with the skills needed for a future full of possibilities, the IB curriculum at Sekolah Victory Plus is the clear choice.

Terbukti dari penelitian yang menguji manfaat kurikulum IB terhadap kemampuan berpikir siswa, kurikulum ini merupakan perjalanan transformatif yang mempersiapkan siswa untuk unggul secara akademis dan berkembang di dunia yang berubah dengan cepat. Jadi, apabila Anda mencari sekolah yang mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dan keterampilan penting yang dibutuhkan di masa depan, kurikulum IB di Sekolah Victory Plus merupakan pilihan yang tepat.

Click here to learn more about IB Curriculum at Sekolah Victory Plus 

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